Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 6

--Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"'There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don't stay for nothing.'"

This quote shows when he starts to think about books and how he becomes interested in books. It also shows how I am different from him. Frankly, I do not like to read books. I read one or two books a year before I came to TCIS even I know the importance of books. It gives us knowledge. However, his sense says that books are important even though he does not know what is in books, and he is eager to read them. This can never happen to me. This quote made me think and give me a chance to look back myself about the importance of books again, so it is very significant to me.


Justine said...

What a strong quote! This quote tells me one point of view of this novel you have read. People burn books so that they could live happily not knowing anything; however, the character saying this quote much have recognized the reality: it is better to be unhappy knowing everything than being ignorant knowing nothing. This woman who stayed in the fire, reading books, is really brave, and I bet that in one of her books she read, she read about courage. Or maybe, she really knows the importance of books and wanted others to know about them also, not knowing what to do, used her death as her way of expression. I think I should learn from her, knowing the importance of books in such environment. Me, even though I am exposed to so many books, didn't really know the importance of books.

P said...

Hello! I am visiting.

That quote is very strong, for it shows you the reason books were worth risking one's life to save. Books contain wonderful ideas, but they also contain ideas that humans despise. Ideas of hate, evil, greed, sin, and destruction are all found in books, even in stories where the mood is joyful. This also relates to my novel Brave New World, and probably all novels on dystopia, because it shows you the essential value that books have in the world. In Fahrenheit 451, the lack of books and the ideas secretly kept within them drove people to their destruction. Likewise, in Brave New World, the lack of books and the traditions and cultures within them resulted in the destruction of mankind. However, unlike Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World was a utopia gone wrong; it was with the lack of books and bountiful yet irrelevant cases of pleasure that destroyed the futuristic society.

Anonymous said...

Albert, I agree with you about this quote is very meaningful. Why did not you like this book? It is a well-written book of philosophy. I think you never tell us that why you choose this passage except it made you think and look back of yourself. Can you tell me what kind of feeling you felt when you look back of yourself?

Amy Yoo said...

wow.. This is a great quote, with a strong meaning. I like it. I wish i could see books the way the woman does. Great Job on choosing this quote.

Eric Bae said...

This is the strongest quote I have ever seen in Fahrenheit 451, and your idea is definitely agreeable. This quote tells that even though people burn books for their own self-protection(?), but there is something in the book that make people interesting. Also this quote tells about the importance of the books existing in this world.

Albert said...

To Justine...
I, too, think that we have to learn that we have to cherish the books and to know the importance of the books from the woman. By this book , I have been changed a little... haha... thank you for commenting
To Peter(petro821)
Well, thank you for putting comment on mine. It is ture that books show wonderful ideas, but it also shows human despise. I haven't thought of it while I was writing. And, I agree that books have power of changing people, even in utopian world.

Albert said...

To Albert D. Kim
The answer for first question is that I easily get bored with the books so I say I don't like books. And, it was meaningful to me that this quote give me a chance to look bakc on myself. I felt a little shame since I ignore the importance of books and the knowledge that can be a flesh of my thought. These would be answer for the other two question, and thank you for you comment
To Amy Yoo
Thank you for your comment

Albert said...

To Eric Bae
thank you for your comment. It contains the ideas of the importance of books and of changes in Montag himself. It also gave me the chance to look back on myslef as I said. So I think it was strong quote and meaningful quote to me and in the book itself

African Globe Trotters. said...

HAPPY, HAPPY - keep blogging guys and girls. Mrs.Mc.