Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 4

--What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Montag kills his captain Beatty. One day, while he is working, he gets a call. The call was from his house. His wife, Mildred, cannot stand with that her husband hides books in their house and reads them. At first, he denies about the existence of the books to keep them safe from fire. Captain Beatty has been suspecting him since he acted awkwardly before, and the call makes Beatty decide to arrest Montag for violating the rules. Montag responds quickly to Beatty’s decision by shooting flame thrower and killing him.
Montag action in the climax thrilled me. People in this book are unchangeable since they do not think at all and desires only joy. However, Montag has made a big change in his mind and action. From the beginning of the book, I wondered what changes he would bring, and the climax showed the clue of that he would change the world, so it was thrilling part to me. Also, it was shocking. He killed his captain?! I was moved by him because he shows his affection towards the books. Also, his action made me think what I would do if I was him.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Great Job - you are writing clearly and your answers are sound. Mrs.Mc.