Friday, June 1, 2007

To Mrs. McAllister

Hi, Mrs. McAllister
I recently finished 8 entries on the book Animal Farm.
And would you check my last 8 entries on Fahrenheit 451?
I have added some pictures
Sorry for being late adding pictures;;
have a great weekend!=]

p.s. do we have to put comment for the second book too?

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Animal Farm: Entry 8

Entry of My Choice
What would I do if I know the truth of Napoleon?

As I said in the question about the main characters in the book, I hate hypocrites. Hypocrites put their all effort in making themselves goody people (and others believe they are nice, good, gentle, and kind) while they surreptitiously do everything they want even it is against the law. I hate affectation most. But I hate Benjamin and Squealer more than Napoleon for not telling the truth to other animals. If they tell the truth to other animals, utopia in Animal Farm will still exist and dystopia would not come to Animal Farm.
If I knew the truth like Benjamin or Squealer, I would try my best to keep the utopian world in Animal Farm. I am not a hero who keeps the peace, but I would at least tell the truth to other animals in the farm unlike those two characters. Even the truth sometimes put people in despair and depression; I believe that the truth should be informed to everybody so they make the wrong right. So, I would not behave like Benjamin who keeps himself on neutrality and Squealer who is blind for power and wealth.

Animal Farm: Entry 7

--Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The setting of Animal Farm is very interesting. The story of this book takes place only at Manor farm, which has been renamed Animal Farm later on; the book talks about what kind of conflicts and problems the animal society has. The animals in this story represent different types of humans; so many people would think that the author George Owell personified animals. But, I believe that he animalized humans to pigs.
The main purpose of writing this book is to criticize the Russian Revolution and politicians. Then would the author personified animals to bring shame upon on them? It would be more correct to say he animalized the politicians into pigs on which people have contempt for impurity. The very last passage of the book says, "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which,” and this proves that he put the criticism in the book.
This is really interesting to me. Many authors personify animals to make the book more interesting, but this book animalizeshuman.’ I was also impressed that the author claims that there is no difference between filthy pigs and corrupted human.

Animal Farm: Entry 6

--Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“The Seven Commandments
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.” (p. 43)

This is ‘The Seven Commandments’ as it is shown up on the quote. These commandments are standard rules that all the animals should keep; it will be constitution that cannot be changed in human’s society. However, Napoleon has changed based on pigs’ advantage. As I said, Pigs are allowed to drink and eat human’s food, to walk on two feet like human, to sleep in bed, and to kill other species of animals. The last change is that some are more equal than others. As the rules are changed, I looked back on this page to see what kind of changes in the society of animals will come, and it was tremendous. These seven commandments are influenced by humans; all the commandments show animosity against human. However, pigs become more like human beings as the rules are changed. As I see the Squealer has changed the rules, I sympathized the animals in the farm because I know what has been changed and how all species of animals in the farm except for pigs lose their freedom and right.

Animal Farm: Entry 5

--What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?
Like other books about the dystopian world, the mood of this book would be sad and depressed and despair. However, the mood at the very beginning is different. The book is full of hope and enthusiasm. At the very beginning, the animals are hopeful of overthrowing their tyrannical human master, and as they do, they become enthusiastic about working for themselves. Until here, the mood of the book is joyful. As Napoleon kicks out Snowball, the mood in Animal Farm suddenly changes. All the animals become skeptical about the rules, pigs who rule over other animals, and Napoleon, and the conflict arouses. Soon, Boxer is taken away to a slaughterhouse, and all the animals lose enthusiasm. The mood in this book changes into sadness, despair, depression. These moods didn’t sadden me, but it enrages me. Because of the greed of one man, or one pig, the mood of the farm changes suddenly from joy to sadness and despair.

Animal Farm: Entry 4

--What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Napoleon kicks Snowball out of the farm by the four ferocious dogs. Snowball and Napoleon debate about the windmill, which will bring electricity with heat and water, which means windmill will bring comfort to them. Napoleon opposes it, but all the animals approve because of Snowball’s eloquence. Therefore, Napoleon decides to kick Napoleon out by force and to rule over the farm by himself. After he kicks out Snowball, everything has been changed as he changes the rules. He changes based on the advantages of pigs. Pigs are allowed to drink and eat human’s food, to walk on two feet like human, to sleep in bed, and to kill other species of animals. The last change is that some are more equal than others. These changes mean that Pigs are equal to human beings.
In fact, I was indifferent when Snowball is kicked out. I just thought something bad would happen in this farm, and my prediction became real. As I kept reading this book, Napoleon made me angry and other animals pitiful. If I were the one of animals who lives in Animal Farm, I would help Snowball to make it right.

Animal Farm: Entry 3

--Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Napoleon --- Napoleon is one of the two leaders after Major, the former leader of the animals, dies and the animals overthrow tyrannical human. When he parts in overthrowing tyrannical masters, he was compatible with Snowball. However, Napoleon drives Snowball out of the farm as Napoleon and Snowball have conflicts and takes over the farm; He becomes another dictator in the farm. As he starts to rule over the other animals, he stops working, and he merely says to animals what to do and what not to do. He also begins acting like human; he enjoys human food and drinks. In the end, his physical outlooks changes from pig into human. He is a mere hypocrite. I detest and curse hypocrites who put others down and make them goody mans, so I detest this character.

Snowball --- Snowball is the other one of the two leaders. He values animals’ freedom and future. Therefore, he is very dedicated to other animals and values democracy much. He is some kind of patriarch. When Mr. Jones and his men come back to the farm to take over the farm, Snowball shows his great prowess in the battle with them and defeat humans. I really love this character because of his patriotism, but it was quite frustrating when Napoleon frightens Snowball out of the farm by ferocious dogs.

Boxer --- Boxer is a loyal and diligent horse; he does everything his best, if it will bring good consequences on other animals. Because of him, the windmill could be built. He has worked two times more than any other animals and never stops working even he is exhausted. He is some kind of an idol. However, he has a flaw. The only flaw he has is that he is too naïve; he believes everything that two hypocrites, Napoleon and Squealer, say. He says, “Napoleon is always right.” If he knew the truth, what Napoleon is up to, he would lead other animals and kicks Napoleon, Squealer, and their mans out of the farm. But, he ends his life up with misfortune. He has overlabored and broken down from exhaustion. Instead of an animal hospital, he is carried to a slaughterhouse by human because of Napoleon. He is just a victim of the tyrant as North Koreans are victims of Kim Jung Il.

Squealer --- Squealer is also pig who works for Napoleon, and he is a secretary. Napoleon seldom shows himself up to the animals, so Squealer delivers Napoleon’s decision to the other animals. Whenever ‘The Seven Commandments’ obstructs Napoleon’s decision, Squealer comes to the column where ‘The Seven Commandments’ is inscribed at night and changes it. ‘The Seven Commandments’ is the standard rule that animals create after they take the farm and it is unchangeable. I hate this character than any other characters. I even detest ‘it’ more than Napoleon. Squealer knows the truth, but he fools other animals and helps Napoleon for himself who is blind for authority. He is the one who brought another dictator in the Animal Farm.

Animal Farm: Entry 2

--Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

This book is a good example to show how tyrant rules over the country or society. In this book, there is a farm called Animal Farm because this farm is controlled by animals, not by human. Animals take over the farm by having a riot against human master of the farm, and then they choose two pigs for their leaders, Napoleon and Snowball. Most of animals follow Snowball, and Napoleon. Later on, Napoleon frightens Snowball out of the farm by ferocious dogs and becomes the tyrant. Napoleon and his men don’t work while other animals work for food, and they live in luxurious house while other animals live in a shabby farm. They also lie to other animals, so they can implant their good images into other animals.
Again, North Korea would be a similar situation for this book. As I answered this question for Fahrenheit 451, North Korea’s government lies to the resident; the government tells only what they want say. They say North Korea is strong countries, but in fact, it isn’t. Authorities of North Korea live splendid lives while residents live poorly. Therefore, the situation in North Korea would be similar to this book.
(North Korea is famous for its tyrannical leader Kim Jung Il, so the situation in North Korea has similarity to those books about dystopia)

Animal Farm: Entry 1

--What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

In this book, there are two themes. The main purpose of this book is to criticize the communist as shown in the preface and the introduction of the book. This idea is so intense in this book, so it became one of theme in this book. The other theme of this book is derived from the first theme, the purpose of the book, and this theme is more significant than the other. The theme of this book is how greed and selfishness change a person.
Napoleon, who is the main character in this book, was one of the two leaders who lead the animals to take over Manor Farm. At that time, he is eager to do it as well as the other animals in the farm because he is tired of overwork. His put his purpose on the freedom of the all animals. But, selfishness and greed of authority changes Napoleon. As he gets selfish and greedy of authority, he lives for himself and others, who are on his side. He puts other animals down and acts like human who once Napoleon hated most. He has been a patriarch, but he is one who is just blind for authority. This theme is significant to a teenage living in 2007 because by this theme, this book teaches us how the greed and selfishness changes a man. We tend to neglect others and put them down because of greed and selfishness, and the book shows the result of it. Frankly, I know one person who has little number of friends because of greed selfishness as the book describes. I want to recommend him this book.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 8

Entry of My Choice


The movie Equilibrium takes some time in the future and the government has made a certain restriction. Most of people in Equilibrium cannot feel the emotion. People think that emotion causes conflicts between men and cause murdering and war, so the government bans emotion and everything that can make you think and feel emotion, such as a objects that has color other than black and white and books. Also, they have invented medicine called 'equilibrium,' and you will not feel for while if you take one.
They also have a special agent like 'fireman' in the book. They are called 'cleric' and skilled in guns. Their task is to kill rebels and exterminate colorful objects and books. John Preston is the best cleric and he is obedient to the government. One day, he finds out that his partner can feel. Preston kills his partner while he is reading a book. Preston becomes interested in the books and starts to feel. Later on, he meets with rebels and leads the rebelion
As I read the book, I found out that the stories are similar. They have a certain restriction of freedom and there are rebels against the government. I think watching Equilibrium would be helpful to understand dystopia

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 7

--Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The reason why Montag starts to doubts about the importance of books and what is in book is the woman who put fire on her house and herself. Montag and his co-workers go to the woman's house as they hear about the books she keeps. She knows that her books are going to be burned down by firemen, but she cannot stand with it since she loves literature. Therefore, she decides to die with her books in fire. Montag tries to save her while other firemen ignore her. This setting was disturbing to me. Also, it was disturbing when doctors come to his house for Mildred. They say that they have seen those who commit suicide and saved their lives.
The reason why these scenes are disturbing is that they show people in the book neglect men's life. People in this world usually try to save others' lives whenever something fatal occur to them. However, people in the book do not care if others die or commit suicide. They are careless and heedless to others. They only care about them.

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 6

--Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"'There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don't stay for nothing.'"

This quote shows when he starts to think about books and how he becomes interested in books. It also shows how I am different from him. Frankly, I do not like to read books. I read one or two books a year before I came to TCIS even I know the importance of books. It gives us knowledge. However, his sense says that books are important even though he does not know what is in books, and he is eager to read them. This can never happen to me. This quote made me think and give me a chance to look back myself about the importance of books again, so it is very significant to me.

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 5

--What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is gloomy and sad. If you see the incidents that happened around Montag, you might know I mean. Mildred commits suicide (but fail), a woman puts fire on herself, Clarisse dies by a car accident, Mildred betrays her husband Montag, Montag kills Captain Beatty to survive, and a whole people dies by nuclear bomb. These incidents make the book gloomy and sad .
I have forgotten that the novel is about dystopia, so these incidents shocked me. All the incidents end up and have negative effects on Montag. The life described in the book is so misery. If I were him, I would not stand with what he has suffered.

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 4

--What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Montag kills his captain Beatty. One day, while he is working, he gets a call. The call was from his house. His wife, Mildred, cannot stand with that her husband hides books in their house and reads them. At first, he denies about the existence of the books to keep them safe from fire. Captain Beatty has been suspecting him since he acted awkwardly before, and the call makes Beatty decide to arrest Montag for violating the rules. Montag responds quickly to Beatty’s decision by shooting flame thrower and killing him.
Montag action in the climax thrilled me. People in this book are unchangeable since they do not think at all and desires only joy. However, Montag has made a big change in his mind and action. From the beginning of the book, I wondered what changes he would bring, and the climax showed the clue of that he would change the world, so it was thrilling part to me. Also, it was shocking. He killed his captain?! I was moved by him because he shows his affection towards the books. Also, his action made me think what I would do if I was him.

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 3

--Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main character in the novel is Guy Montag and Captain Beatty. Both of them are firemen. Fireman in this book means who put fire on the books instead of who extinguishes fire since the books are banned by the law.
At first, Montag devoted himself as a fireman and
Oskar Werner as Guy Montag
worked under Captain Beatty. He never doubts his happiness. After he meets with a girl, Clarisse McClellan who doubts anything, and a woman, who burns herself with the books, he starts to doubt his happiness and the importance of the books. Therefore, he starts reading the books.
On the other hand, Captain Beatty denies the values of books and thinks that burning the books make people happy; so He tries to keep Montag away from the books and to convince him that the books are worthless.
I really don’t like Captain Beatty. He seems to be too inflexible. Frankly, I like inflexible people because they keep their words, but I prefer who is inflexible and adapts others thought. I do not like Captain Beatty who does not adapt others’ words and thought. On the other hand, I really like Guy Montag. I prefer someone who is curious and comes out from the fantasy in the book.

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 2

--Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Fahrenheit 451 resembles some people and some government in the world. For example, the government of North Korea restricts people’s freedom. They cannot hear correct news and they cannot practice religion. They do what the government tells them to do. Also, the government showed in Fahrenheit 451, people follow the government’s order and they cannot keep and read the books. That is one thing that the book is related to a current situation.
Consider missionaries for other example, they go abroad to evangelize. They go to countries in the Middle Asia and Africa to inform people the existence almighty God and his works. Some government in the Middle Asia and Africa prohibit believing God, so missionaries evangelize secretly. They are like people who keep and reads book in the novel. They, too, spread out the books secretly. Therefore, The novel and some current events are similar in many ways since it shows some compellability in the world

Fahrenheit 451: Entry 1

--What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The most important theme of this book is the ignorance of knowledge and the satisfaction with joy. In this novel, people always watch TV for their entertainments, and they keep themselves away from the books since the books are banned by the government.
Books make you think after you reading and have a discussion other. Discussion with others may exaggerate people, so the government banned the books. On the other hand, they helped people to watch TV, which is full of entertainment, so people in the book merely have thoughtful opinion, but they only think about the satisfaction with entertainment. Thus, the most important theme is the ignorance of knowledge and the satisfaction with joy.
This theme is very important to the teenagers in 2007. The teenagers in 2007 tend to prefer entertainment to complicated statements and want to their life full with joy. My friends and I also act in the same way. However, this book shows how the life we want would be like. It shows that you will not fully satisfy with your life even it is full of happiness. I think this book would correct our thoughts of what we have to look for in the life.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit 451

I just started reading...