Saturday, April 7, 2007

Animal Farm: Entry 3

--Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Napoleon --- Napoleon is one of the two leaders after Major, the former leader of the animals, dies and the animals overthrow tyrannical human. When he parts in overthrowing tyrannical masters, he was compatible with Snowball. However, Napoleon drives Snowball out of the farm as Napoleon and Snowball have conflicts and takes over the farm; He becomes another dictator in the farm. As he starts to rule over the other animals, he stops working, and he merely says to animals what to do and what not to do. He also begins acting like human; he enjoys human food and drinks. In the end, his physical outlooks changes from pig into human. He is a mere hypocrite. I detest and curse hypocrites who put others down and make them goody mans, so I detest this character.

Snowball --- Snowball is the other one of the two leaders. He values animals’ freedom and future. Therefore, he is very dedicated to other animals and values democracy much. He is some kind of patriarch. When Mr. Jones and his men come back to the farm to take over the farm, Snowball shows his great prowess in the battle with them and defeat humans. I really love this character because of his patriotism, but it was quite frustrating when Napoleon frightens Snowball out of the farm by ferocious dogs.

Boxer --- Boxer is a loyal and diligent horse; he does everything his best, if it will bring good consequences on other animals. Because of him, the windmill could be built. He has worked two times more than any other animals and never stops working even he is exhausted. He is some kind of an idol. However, he has a flaw. The only flaw he has is that he is too naïve; he believes everything that two hypocrites, Napoleon and Squealer, say. He says, “Napoleon is always right.” If he knew the truth, what Napoleon is up to, he would lead other animals and kicks Napoleon, Squealer, and their mans out of the farm. But, he ends his life up with misfortune. He has overlabored and broken down from exhaustion. Instead of an animal hospital, he is carried to a slaughterhouse by human because of Napoleon. He is just a victim of the tyrant as North Koreans are victims of Kim Jung Il.

Squealer --- Squealer is also pig who works for Napoleon, and he is a secretary. Napoleon seldom shows himself up to the animals, so Squealer delivers Napoleon’s decision to the other animals. Whenever ‘The Seven Commandments’ obstructs Napoleon’s decision, Squealer comes to the column where ‘The Seven Commandments’ is inscribed at night and changes it. ‘The Seven Commandments’ is the standard rule that animals create after they take the farm and it is unchangeable. I hate this character than any other characters. I even detest ‘it’ more than Napoleon. Squealer knows the truth, but he fools other animals and helps Napoleon for himself who is blind for authority. He is the one who brought another dictator in the Animal Farm.

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